Sunday, November 8, 2009
Swine Flu Cleaning Procedures for home or office space
All staff should be wearing gloves for all cleaning procedures.
- Wipe and disinfect the front entrance door handles.
- Wipe and disinfect all door handles.
- Wipe and disinfect all phones.
- Wipe and disinfect all cabinet handles throughout the building.
- Wipe and disinfect all levers and turnable devices in the building.
- Wipe and disinfect all keypads.
- Wipe and disinfect all light switches.
- Wipe and disinfect all public pressable buttons.
- Wipe and disinfect all computer mouse devices.
- Wipe and disinfect all desks and workstation tables.
This program is designed as the first line of defense against cold and flu that leads to poor productivity and employee sick days.
P.S. Don`t forget constant hand washing prior to placing on gloves and after.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service Favorites - Music to listen to...
- Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
- Come Clean - Hillary Duff
- In the Bath - Edie Brickell
- Scrub a Dub - Eric Hansen
- Talk Dirty to Me - Poison
- Wipe Out - Surfaris
- Into the Groove - Madonna
Best of all, it puts us all in a better mood to scrub the sink... to serve and to clean again :D
Visit us online:
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Don't mix these cleaning products
Rust remover and all-purpose cleaner: When paired with the oxidizing agents in the cleaner, the acid-based rust remover, which contains sodium hydrosulfite, releases sulfur dioxide, a pungent gas that irritates the eyes and the nose.
Tile cleaner with bleach and all-purpose cleaner: Ammonia-based cleaners emit noxious gases when coupled with the sodium hypoclorite ingredient in bleach. Wheezing and coung ensue.
Dishwashing liquid containing ammoniea and automatic-dishwasher detergent: Adding a squirt of dish soap when the gel runs low isn't a smart shortcut. The amonia in the soap and the bleach in the gel create toxic fumes.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Philippines Flood: Metro Manila Flood Typhoon Ondoy 2009
Are there any flow control so that water release can be regulated? Was there negligence on the way it should be released? Is the monitoring process of water level in the dam includes weather forecast monitoring so that when forecasted heavy rains comes the expected water volume is calculated and if it exceeds the maximum water level of the dam an early release could be done ?
If Angat dam operators had released water days earlier , could we have averted this disasters?
Calling authorities please do something.
A repost from JM
The recent flood is the very unfortunate result of both natural and man made calamities. The release of excess dam waters was done without thinking of the consequences. it is both a criminal and insane act.
“The Angat Lake created by the Angat dam is the main potable water supply source of the Metro Manila Area. However this water when in over abundance, due to very heavy rainfall, is also the cause of widespread flooding, deaths, and accompanying misery affecting not only the provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga but also the Metro Manila Area. This happens everytime the dam water reaches its maximum height and the spilled water races down through the gullies and streams to the east of the dam and this rampaging water joins the water of the Marikina river system multiplying the floodwater volume of the Marikina River system thereby causing rapid increase in the volume of floodwater in the Marikina Valley. This happens everytime very heavy rains overfills the Angat water reservoir. The solution to this problem is the construction of water diversion/power generation tunnels to divert excess water towards the east emptying into the Pacific Ocean. It will also generate power. It is not enough that the excess water is emptied into the heavily populated areas, i.e, Bulacan, Pampanga area,Marikina Valley, as it definitely will cause multiple death and destruction downstream. Diverting the excess water to the east will save so many lives as the east side is relatively sparsely populated and at the same time generate power for electricity. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines must consider this as a permanent solution to the recurring problem of flooding in the central Luzon area and Metro Manila.”
I’m sorry for encroaching into your space but I do not know where to start. Please think about the opinion I expressed above. You may freely share this thought with your friends, hoping that someday, the people criminally responsible for the release of Angat dam water, on the morning of 26 September 2009, shall face the bar of justice. An in-depth study and analysis of google maps and wikimapia maps will prove my point. Better still, a short helicopter trip tracing the path of the floodwaters will verify this matter. The evidence left by the rampaging flood water will trace it back to its source and is difficult, impossible to erase.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Cleaning Service for your short term rentals
Vancouver Cleaning Service: MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service. We are professional, reputable, respectable, and honest.
We want to earn your business if we could be of service to you in between move outs/ins of tenants - and if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Education is key when hiring the right cleaning service. Our passion is to be the most trusted cleaning company. We’ll do the job right, we’ll back up our work and we’ll do it with a smile!
All employees’ are insured and uniformed. No rouges will show up at your jobsite. Most important we do not sub contract any of our work to other companies or sub trades.
Please visit our website at: for more information.
GRAVE Cleaners in Vancouver
View their services at:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A Brief History of the Vacuum Cleaner
In 1901 a civil engineer by the name of Hubert Cecil Booth of England invented and patented the first successful vacuum cleaner. Booth's machine was the first to use suction with a filter bag to clean carpets. Prior to his invention compressed air was used to blast dirt and dust away from the carpet. If used inside these machines would merely stir up the dust and eventually it would settle back down to where it had been.
Booth's vacuum cleaner was so big it was drawn by horses and had to be operated by four to six people. The large apparatus stayed outside the customer's home. The noise from the cleaner was so bad that it often scared horses passing by and Booth was often sued. This did not stop the success of his machines. In 1903 the well-to-do women of the day would throw vacuum cleaner parties. Guests would sip tea and lift their feet as uniformed attendants vacuumed the home. A visit would cost around four dollars.
The first "portable" electric vacuum was invented in 1905 by Chapman and Skinner in San Francisco. It weighed 92 pounds. Because of its size it did not sell well. In 1907 James Murray Spangler, a janitor in a Canton, Ohio department store, unhappy with the carpet sweeper he used on his job, was convinced it was the cause of his cough. Using spare parts - including an 18-inch fan motor, soapbox, broom handle, and a pillowcase - he developed quite a contraption. Spangler worked on his invention, improved it and received a patent in 1908, and formed the Electric Suction Sweeper Company. One of his first customers was his cousin, whose husband was William H. Hoover. Hoover actually bought the patent for the machine from Spangler. The Hoover model O weighed only forty pounds; it was the first to use both a cloth bag and attachments. Hoover developed positive agitation in 1926.
James Dyson introduced the Cyclone model 1000, the first bagless dual cyclone machine. Between 1978 and 1993 he built 5000 prototypes before he perfected his Dual Cyclone machine. In May of 2001 Dyson had 29% of the vacuum cleaner market by volume.
In April 2001 Eureka announced a robot vacuum cleaner. Since then several companies have marketed robot vacuum cleaners. Since 1869 the vacuum cleaner has evolved into advanced computerized machines. It takes a stretch of the imagination to think about what the future holds for these machines that are a vital part of cleaning professionally!
1858 Carpet sweepers were introduced in the United States; cleaning was done entirely by a rotating brush, which was activated by the wheels; there was no suction.
1869 Ives W. McGaffey obtained a patent for the first hand pumped vacuum cleaner in the United States. Developed in his basement in Chicago it was a contraption made of wood and canvas. It was known as the "whirlwind", manufactured and sold by the American Carpet Cleaning Company. It had suction, but did not have a brush roll.
1875 First cleaner developed that had both suction and a brush roll, utilized a hand crank for power to drive both the fan and the brush.
1901 Hubert Cecil Booth invents the first successful vacuum cleaner. It is the size of a milk float, operated by four to six people.
1905 The first portable electric vacuum invented by Chapman and Skinner in San Francisco. It weighed 92 pounds and used a fan 18 inches in diameter to produce suction. Because of its size it did not sell well.
1906 James Murray Spangler invents the first domestic single-operator upright vacuum cleaner.
1907 William Henry Hoover produces the first commercial bag-on-a stick upright vacuum cleaner.
1912-1915 Axel Wenner-Gren in Sweden collaborates with Lux to produce the first cylinder cleaner-Lux 1(later Electrolux).
1912 A vacuum cleaner nicknamed the "Grasshopper" was one of Jim Kirby's early designs. It was a non-electric cleaner design to serve households in rural areas.
1930's The first plastic vacuums hit the market and headlights were added to some of the fancier models.
1955 Re-useable paper bags first introduced.
1969 The first self propelled vacuums debuted.
1970 Hoover introduces carpet care control with height adjuster on upright cleaners.
1983 James Dyson introduces the "Cyclone" model 1000 cleaner, the first bagless dual cyclone machine.
2001 Prototype robotic cleaners for domestic use are introduced.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Keeping a clean home is a key part to having a happy home. Cleaning a home can be a painstaking and exhaustive process…
Resource Links:
Acid Cleaners
Alkali Cleaners
Aluminum Cleaning Care and Repair
Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Beer Stain Removal Hints
Before You Clean Your Carpets And Rugs
Blasting Methods for Power Washing
Bleaches as Cleaners
Blood Stain Removal Hints
Butcher Block Care
Butter Stain Removal Hints
Candle Wax Removal
Candy Stain Removal Hints
Carpet Cleaning
Cast Iron Cleaning Care and Repair
Central Vacuums Offer Convenience and Power
Ceramic Counter Top FAQ’s
Chandelier Cleaning FAQ
Chewing Gum Removal Tips
Chocolate Stain Removal Hints
Chrome Cleaning Care and Repair
Clean Golf Club Heads
Clean Water Hardness Buildup
Cleaning Brass: Care and Repair
Cleaning Bronze FAQ
Cleaning Flood Damage: How To
Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets FAQ
Cleaning Linoleum and Vinyl Floors
Cleaning Marble, Ceramic Tile and Slate Floors
Cleaning Odds and Ends
Cleaning Outdoor Furniture
Cleaning Paneled Walls and Woodwork FAQ
Cleaning Service Options
Cleaning Silver FAQ’s
Cleaning Stainless Steel FAQ’s
Cleaning Stone Fireplace Fronts
Cleaning Trade Secrets
Cleaning Up with Drop Cloths and Rags
Cleaning Upholstery FAQ’s
Cleaning Vinyl FAQ’s s
Cleaning Wood and Laminate Carpeted Floors
Coffee Stain Removal Hints
Cola Stain Removal Hints
Common Homemade Cleaners: A Grocery List
Copper Cleaning Care and Repair
Crayon Stain Removal Hints
Creative Uses for Dryer Sheets
Creative Uses for Vinegar and Baking Soda
Cure Found For Urine-Stained Floors
Cutting Block Cleaning Care and Repair
Detergent Cleaners
Dissatisfaction with Cleaning Service
Dumpster Service
Dust Off That Pile of Rust
Dusting: The Basics
Fuel Oil Odor Removal FAQ
Furniture Polish and Scratch Remover FAQ
Glue Stain Removal: How To
Grease Stain Removal
Guide to Cheese Stains
Hair Care Cleaning Care and Repair
Homemade Air Fresheners for Household Odors
House Closing
Household Cleaners & Stain Removers FAQ
Household Cleaners: Commercial Blends
How to Clean Blinds
How to Clean Dye Stains
How to Clean Egg Stains
How to Clean Feces Stains
How to Clean Food Coloring Stains
How to Clean Fruit Stains
How to Clean Furniture Polish Stains
How to Clean Gravy Stains
How to Clean Hand Lotion Stains
How to Clean Ice Cream Stains
How to Clean Iodine Stains
How to Clean Juice Stains
How to Clean Makeup Stains
How to Clean Margarine Stains
How to Clean Marking Ink Stains
How to Clean Mascara Stains
How to Clean Methiolate Stains
How to Clean Milk Stains
How to Clean Oil Paint Stains
How to Clean Pastewax Stains
How to Clean Petroleum Jelly Stains
How to Clean Rubber Cement Stains
How to Clean Rust Stains
How to Clean Salsa Stains
How to Clean Shoe Polish Stains
How to Clean Soda Pop Stains
How to Clean Soy Stains
How to Clean Tar Stains
How to Clean Tomato Sauce Stains
How to Clean Urine Stains
Ink Stain Removal Hints
Keeping Your Home Clean and Healthy
Ketchup Stain Removal
Kitchen Cleaning Tips
Latex Paint Stain Removal
Laundry Cleaner FAQ
Light Fixture Cleaning FAQ
Lipstick Stain Removal
Marble Cleaning Care and Repair
Nail Polish Stain Removal
Nylon Cleaning Care and Repair
Plan Your Mildew Attack
Plastic Mica Laminate Counter Cleaning and Stain Removal FAQ
Polishing: A Bright Idea
Polypropylene Plastic FAQ
Properly Handle Hazardous Household Products
Remove Mildew and Ceaning Mold How to
Remove Rust Stains from Nails
Removing Dirt Stains: How to
Silverstone Cookware Cleaning Care and FAQ
Sisal and Natural Fiber Rugs
Solvent Cleaners
Some Specifics on Cleaning
Soot Stain Removal Hints
Steam Cleaning Grout
Taking Care in Your Home
Tea Stain Removal: How To
The Fiberglass FAQ
The Fine China FAQ
The Lamp and Lampshade Cleaning FAQ
The Melamine Plastic FAQ
The Nitty Gritty on Tile
The Pewter FAQ
The Polyester Plastic FAQ’s
The Porcelain Enamel FAQ’s
The Pottery Earthenware FAQ’s
The Sticky Label, Tape, Decal, Applique and Adhesive Residue Removal FAQ
The Synthetic Enamel FAQ’s
The Teflon FAQ’s
The Tin FAQ’s
Today’s Utility Rooms are Complete Household Management Centers
Vinyl-Coated Steel: Characteristics and Care FAQ’s
Window and Door Frames at Cleanup Time FAQ’s
Wine Stain Removal Tips
Wood Furniture Care and Cleaning
Wroughtiron Cleaning Care and Repair
Cleaning and Stain Removal – []
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cleaning BBQ Grills
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Are you living in CHAOS? - MOP-n-BUCKET: Vancouver Cleaning Service can help!
Are YOU living in CHAOS?(Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)
Do you feel overwhelmed, overextended, and overdrawn?
Hopeless and you don't know where to start?
Don't worry friend, MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service has got you covered.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Removing paint off carpet: Water Based Paint
Water-based paints clean up and thin out using plain water, thus there are no significant environmental or health hazards present, as long as paint-laden cloths or paper towels are properly disposed of.
Step 2: Removing wet paint:
Removing a still-wet spot of water-based paint from typical nylon carpeting by simply blotting the wet stain with a paper towel or rag moistened with tap water. Do not rub. Use the moist towel or cloth as a blotter and pinch-tool, to pull the paint out of the carpet fibers. Be sure to rinse or change the cloth frequently. Do not over-saturate the carpet, to keep the stain from thinning out and spreading more. If the paint does not readily come out with clear water, try a small amount of dish detergent in warm water solution.
When the wet paint is removed, rinse the area a few more times with clear water, then use a hair dryer to dry and restore the carpet fibers.
Step 3: Removing dry water-based paint:
Removing a dried spot of water-based paint is obviously quite a bit more difficult. Clear water alone will not soften dried water-based paint.
A solution of hot water and a small amount of dish detergent will likely help to soften dried water-based paint, although it is not a sure thing. Try it by dripping a small amount onto the stain. Let the solution sit for a few minutes to see if it begins to soften the paint.
You will know quickly if this method will work. Scraping the spot with a pin or utility knife will indicate whether or not the paint has softened enough to continue picking and scraping it completely away.
If it appears that the paint is softening, continue cleaning by dripping more hot water/soap solution as needed to continue softening under-layers of the paint as you pick away with your needle or pin.
Somewhat of a slow process, but does not cause undue damage to carpet fibers.
Step 4: If, Then...
IF hot water/soap does not seem to be softening the paint, you might THEN have to use a hand-held steamer. Some of these units produce 285 degree steam, which should be hot enough to soften the paint. Once the paint begins to soften, you can pick it out of the carpet fibers with a pin or utility knife, using care not to cut the fibers.
After you're satisfied the stain is adequately removed, and the carpet fibers have been rinsed thoroughly of soap, use a hair dryer to dry and restore the fibers.
Post Construction: Detail & Final Cleaning Service
Sunday, July 19, 2009
mopNbucket - twitter
If you haven't heard about Twitter, you've probably been living on Mars. The newest member of the blogosphere, Twitter is a micro-blogging site. What exactly does that mean?
When Tweeting, the act of using Twitter, you are limited to 140 characters (including spaces) - a great way to give your followers a play-by-play of your day.
Found something interesting you want to share - re-Tweet! To re-Tweet simply grab what someone else wrote and add RT in front it.
5 Easy Steps to Twitter
1. Get an account
Visit and click the green button to "Get Started."
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Utilizing your brand and keywords, select a username so that others can communicate with you. Keep it under 15 characters.
Follow me on Twitter @mopNbucket
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Start following me @mopNbucket
5. Write your first Tweet
Start by saying hi - the key is just to get started!
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To your success,
mopNbucket team
Monday, July 13, 2009
Product Review SHARK Turbo Stick Vac
This little Shark vacuum does not use bags, which is a plus. Spending money on vacuum bags wouldn't be convenient. Plus vacuum bags can be a pain to change.
This vacuum came with a few attachments, which are good for getting crumbs off a couch or zapping spider webs. However, the attachments are small so using them for a bigger project like baseboards or stairs would take a while.
The Shark Turbo Stick Vac is not the most powerful vacuum I've ever used. This wasn't a problem when I first bought it though. The office we have is roughly 350sq.f and has a small area carpet and the rest in laminate flooring.
I've recently brought it home to test in the apartment that is larger and has short pile carpet. The Shark vacuum did not do well with the larger area and thicker carpet. After about ten minutes of use, the vacuum would ov
The rolling brushes of this stick vacuum seemed to perform well as hair magnets. After each use I had to remove large amounts of hair and fuzz from the rollers. When the vacuum was new I didn't notice this issue.
Overall, the Shark Turbo Stick Vac is a good vacuum if you want a light duty vacuum for bare floors in small spaces. If you have a larger space, and/or thicker carpet, this vacuum's performance leaves something to be desired. I doubt it will last long. But we'll see.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Georgia Straight Best of Vancouver: Vote for MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service
To vote, simply log on to:
Voting is now closed. Look for the results in the September 23th issue.
Best Regards,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Green Cleaning your home for your benefit and ours
Certain ingredients in cleaning products and air fresheners can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are a common source of indoor air pollutants and can result in irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory system and contribute to other health issues long term. Immediate health effects often include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat; headaches; dizziness; and fatigue. Certain chemicals may result in disorders of the nervous and reproductive systems or be associated with cancer and heart disease.
Health effects from indoor air pollutants are sometimes experienced immediately upon exposure but they may possibly only become evident years later. A good resource for more information is the EPA Indoor Air Quality website. The EPA has pointed out that levels of certain pollutants to be two to five times higher inside homes (where people spend 90% of their time) than outside.
In 1999 New Scientist published a report indicating that in homes where aerosol sprays and air fresheners were used frequently, mothers experienced 25 percent more headaches and were 19 percent more likely to suffer from depression, and infants under six months of age had 30 percent more ear infections and 22 percent higher incidence of diarrhea.
Products with fragrances may also trigger asthma and allergic reactions, with symptoms including skin and respiratory irritation, headaches, and watery eyes.
Why a Green Home is Good For The Planet
Most conventional dish and laundry detergents and fabric softeners contain a line up of hazardous compounds. Dish and laundry detergents are made from petroleum which is a nonrenewable resource and some contain alkyphenol ethoxylates that don't readily biodegrade. They are thought to disrupt hormone activity and can threaten wildlife after they go down your drain . Ethoxylated alcohols in liquid detergents can also contain cancer causing 1,4-dioxane.
Fragranced detergents and fabric softeners can contain chemicals which have been linked to cancer and reproductive-system harm. Most dish and laundry soaps no longer used phosphates which were known to clog waterways but they can still be found in dishwasher detergents. They are highly caustic and can be fatal if swallowed.
There are other harmful chemicals which when combined can be carcinogenic and harmful to our water resources.
Chlorine bleach commonly found in scouring powders and cleaning solutions is highly caustic. These products travel down our drains in to the environment where they can create organochlorines, which are suspected to be toxic to the reproductive, neurological, and immune systems and are also considered to be carcinogens.
Drain, oven, and toilet-bowl cleaners contain corrosive ingredients. Furniture and metal cleaners can contain nerve-damaging petroleum distillates or formaldehyde, a carcinogen.
Visit us online!
Non-Toxic, Biodegradable Alternative Cleaning Solutions
Citrus Cleaning
The citrus line-up includes oranges, lemons and grapefruits but also lime, bergamot and kumquat. Not only do they look good and smell great their essential oils are wonderful cleaners which are increasingly being used by manufacturers to create environmentally friendly cleaning products. Lemon juice can be used to remove stains from solid surface countertop and when mixed with salt can help to remove rust stains from hardware. Orange and lemon rind can be used as a wonderful air freshener and to reduce odors from trash cans and garbage disposals. Lemon oil is the most effective natural glass cleaner but orange oil works too and best of all they leave a smudge free sheen. It is the citric acid that works to remove calcium build-up on shower doors. Lemon oil found in many commercial furniture polishes works wonderfully well on it's own to clean and protect your wood furniture.
Essential Oil
Certain essentials oils are great disinfectants and natural deodorizers. Lavender, ginger, pine and clove are good choices and many also have antiseptic properties. Lemon oils is useful for keeping your kitchen clean and germ-free while essential oil from cloves will help to eliminate cooking odors. Grease is not match for lavender essential oil which is a useful addition to your kitchen and bathroom cleaning supplies. Pine essential oil is useful inside and outside your home to keep certain insects at bay and to discourage destructive buds from visiting your garden.
Vinegar is safe to use as an all-purpose cleaner on most surfaces (marble is not one of them) and has the added benefit of being a great disinfectant and it is really inexpensive. It may be stating the obvious to say that vinegar is acidic but it is this fact which makes it very important to dilute it adequately before using it as a cleaner (one part water to one part vinegar). You may be thinking that you don't want your house smelling like a salad dressing but don't worry the trademark smell of vinegar disappears once it dries.
Vinegar can be used in the bathroom, kitchen and even the laundry room. When using on countertops or tile areas always test a small area just to make sure it will not damage your surface. In the bathroom you can use it to clean the sinks, bathtub and toilet. You can use undiluted vinegar as a disinfectant inside the toilet bowl. Use diluted vinegar to clean the floors and in the kitchen to clean appliances, the stove, hood and fixtures. In the laundry room you can use the vinegar as an all purpose cleaner but it does double duty as a fabric softener. Just half a cup of vinegar can be used to instead of commercial fabric softener during the rinse cycle.
Visit us online!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Move in/ Move out Cleaning services Vancouver\Burnaby|Coquitlam
We offer Move in/ Move out Cleaning Services to residential customers throughout Vancity communities, Burnaby and Coquitlam. This cleaning service is specifically designed for apartment renters, landlord, building managers who have no desire to clean the apartment themselves. Our move in/out cleaning service consists of experienced cleaners who are extremely familiar with the needs and requirements of this very special and detailed cleaning service.
Please contact us today to receive a full cleaning service price quote.
Our Move in/out cleaning service includes the following:
Bathroom Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Scrub the shower, the tub, the sink, in and around the toilet, the tiles and the floor, especially in the corners
� Clean shower door glass and tracks
� Clean shower head
� Clean faucets with stainless steel polish
� Clean all mirrors
� Dust window sill, top of medicine cabinet, light fixtures and vents
� Clean inside the medicine cabinet, the vanity and under the sink
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
� Sanitize soap dish and toothbrush holder
� Remove all cobwebs
Kitchen Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Sweep and mop the floor
� Clean the exterior and interior refrigerator, stove, dishwasher,
microwave and any other appliances
(remove all shelves and drawers to thoroughly wash)
� Clean interior & exterior of all cabinets and drawers
� Clean all counter tops & the backsplash
� Clean the sink, faucets and under the sink
� Clean all light switch plates
� Dust and clean top of cabinets
� Dust all moldings and frames
� Remove all cobwebs
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
� Dust window sills, baseboards, vents, shelves, ceiling fans, ledges and light fixtures
� Remove minor debris
� If appliances are easily moveable they will be moved to clean behind them & under them
Living Room Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop or vacuum
� Remove all cobwebs
� Dust baseboards, shelves, ledges, vents, ceiling fans, moldings and light fixtures
� Clean window sills & frames
� Thoroughly detailed dusting of all walls
Bedroom Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop or vacuum floor--whichever is appropriate
� Dust window sills, vents, baseboards, ceiling fans, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Clean all light switch plates
� Clean interior closets (remove all shelves and racks)
� Thoroughly detailed dusting of all walls
� Remove all cobwebs
Dining Room Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop and vacuum
� Dust window sills, vents, baseboards, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Remove all cobwebs
� Clean all light switch plates
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
Hallways & Foyers Move in/out Cleaning Service
� Dust baseboards, window sills, vents, baseboards, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Sweep/mop or vacuum
� Remove all cobwebs
� Clean light switch plates
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
Visit us online or click here to contact us today!
Post Construction Cleaning Service Vancouver|Burnaby|Coquitlam
Flexible - Dependable - Careful - Experienced
MOP-n-BUCKET Detail & Final Post-Construction Cleaning services
We offer Post-Construction detail & final cleaning services to residential customers throughout Vancouver, Burnaby and Coquitlam. This cleaning service is specifically designed for homeowners or businesses who have done remodeling and need to rid their home, (apartment/house) of the dust and minor debris that is left behind.
Please contact us today to receive a post contruction cleaning service price quote.
Our Post Construction cleaning service includes the following:
Bathroom Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Scrub the shower, the tub, the sink, in and around the toilet, the tiles and the floor, especially in the corners
� Clean shower door glass and tracks
� Clean shower head
� Clean faucets with stainless steel polish
� Clean all mirrors
� Dust window sill, top of medicine cabinet, light fixtures and vents
� Clean inside the medicine cabinet, the vanity and under the sink
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
� Sanitize soap dish and toothbrush holder
� Remove all cobwebs
Kitchen Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Sweep and mop the floor
� Clean the exterior and interior refrigerator, stove, dishwasher,
microwave and any other appliances
(remove all shelves and drawers to thoroughly wash)
� Clean interior & exterior of all cabinets and drawers
� Clean all counter tops & the backsplash
� Clean the sink, faucets and under the sink
� Clean all light switch plates
� Dust and clean top of cabinets
� Dust all moldings and frames
� Remove all cobwebs
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
� Dust window sills, baseboards, vents, shelves, ceiling fans, ledges and light fixtures
� Remove minor debris
� If appliances are easily moveable they will be moved to clean behind them & under them
Living Room Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop or vacuum
� Remove all cobwebs
� Dust baseboards, shelves, ledges, vents, ceiling fans, moldings and light fixtures
� Clean window sills & frames
� Thoroughly detailed dusting of all walls
Bedroom Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop or vacuum floor--whichever is appropriate
� Dust window sills, vents, baseboards, ceiling fans, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Clean all light switch plates
� Clean interior closets (remove all shelves and racks)
� Thoroughly detailed dusting of all walls
� Remove all cobwebs
Dining Room Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Sweep/mop and vacuum
� Dust window sills, vents, baseboards, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Remove all cobwebs
� Clean all light switch plates
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
Hallways & Foyers Post-Construction Cleaning Service
� Dust baseboards, window sills, vents, baseboards, shelves, ledges and light fixtures
� Sweep/mop or vacuum
� Remove all cobwebs
� Clean light switch plates
� Thorough detailed dusting of all walls
Visit us online today! or click here to contact us.
MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service
"Let us take care of your housecleaning needs; YOU take care of YOU!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Moving in or out of a rented House or Apartment
General rule of thumb - are you leaving the unit in the same condition as when you moved in? Again take pictures and have the landlord or property manager agree to the condition. Same when you leave.
A landlord can only withhold for damages only amounts that are deemed reasonable for the damage claimed. If a defect existed before you moved in, you should not be charged for that particular problem. The importance of pictures and a move-in checklist cannot be stressed enough.
Normal Wear and Tear is vague term and means different things to different people. So protect yourself.
Take pictures - use a disposable or video camera. Pictures are worth a thousand words and therefore, dollars. Sign and date the pictures and save them in case your landlord does not return your security deposit.The average cost to clean an average 1bedroom is $175-210 for the full job. If you do not have time, consider hiring a cleaning service.
Normal Wear and Tear may include things such as faded paint - you yourself did not cause the paint to fade, thus you would not be responsible if and when the landlord decides to repaint.
Damages are actual things in the apartment that you or your guests actually break - such as a window or a hole in the wall.
house cleaning services, vancouver area MOP-n-BUCKET
Apartment cleaning service, vancouver area MOP-n-BUCKET
Sunday, May 24, 2009
TIP and Recipe For a Natural Deodorizer:
1 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 2 cups of hot water. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Pour the mixture into a spritzer, a spray bottle that produces a fine mist. Shake before using. When you spray the mixture into the air, the baking soda will neutralize the odors, while the lemon juice will leave behind a nice, clean scent. Fresh, natural, inexpensive -be sure to use a clean bottle and sprayer so you do not create a chemical reaction between this formula and chemicals from a used sprayer.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009 - cleaning service for women dealing with Cancer
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC Cleaning Service
We specialize in end-of-lease, move in-move out cleaning in Vancouver, North Shore, Burnaby and Coquitlam.
We have 100% success rate on cleaning inspections made by agents, landlords, and property managers.
Landlords and Building Property Managers contact us for frequent user discounts.
We leave you a home where you or your tenants can feel comfortable and sure that everything has been taken care of, from kitchen to bath to all the other rooms.
We believe in using environment-eco friendly choices. Click here to view some of the products we use!
The quote for your Move-in/Move-out cleaning varies based on the size and condition of the home. The move in/out cleaning consists of everything in a routine service deep cleaning of the baseboards, oven, stove, refrigerator, ceiling fans, cabinets and drawers.
Please request a free estimate, we'll be happy to answer all of your questions.
We service: Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Dunbar, West Side, East Vancouver, Burnaby, Metrotown Area, Coquitlam, Port Moody, if your area is not listed here, please contact us. We'll try to accomodate all reasonable request.
MOVIE NIGHT: Courtesy of MOP-n-Bucket Cleaning Service Vancouver
Apartment - House Cleaning Service - special offers:
Book regular cleaning service in the evenings or weekends and on your 4th clean you will receive a certificate for 2 Adult Admissions, 2 Regular Drinks, 1 Regular Popcorn.* No Cash Value - Minimum of Initial Cleaning Service + 4regular (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) cleaning must be purchased. Initial Cleaning Service must be booked by May 30th, 2015
Just for Fun
MOP-n-BUCKET Apartment - House Cleaning Service
Tell A Friend Program*
You will receive $15off your next service for every friend you tell. So tell a friend to tell a friend how to experience more free time in their life!
*Initial Cleaning Service must be purchased.
Not Enough Time in Your Day? MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service is just a TEXT Away! 604 * 724 * 4130