MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service, Recommendation For Cleaning Procedures During Swine Flu Outbreak -
All staff should be wearing gloves for all cleaning procedures.
- Wipe and disinfect the front entrance door handles.
- Wipe and disinfect all door handles.
- Wipe and disinfect all phones.
- Wipe and disinfect all cabinet handles throughout the building.
- Wipe and disinfect all levers and turnable devices in the building.
- Wipe and disinfect all keypads.
- Wipe and disinfect all light switches.
- Wipe and disinfect all public pressable buttons.
- Wipe and disinfect all computer mouse devices.
- Wipe and disinfect all desks and workstation tables.
This program is designed as the first line of defense against cold and flu that leads to poor productivity and employee sick days.
P.S. Don`t forget constant hand washing prior to placing on gloves and after.
MOVIE NIGHT: Courtesy of MOP-n-Bucket Cleaning Service Vancouver
Apartment - House Cleaning Service - special offers:
Book regular cleaning service in the evenings or weekends and on your 4th clean you will receive a certificate for 2 Adult Admissions, 2 Regular Drinks, 1 Regular Popcorn.* No Cash Value - Minimum of Initial Cleaning Service + 4regular (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) cleaning must be purchased. Initial Cleaning Service must be booked by May 30th, 2015
Just for Fun
MOP-n-BUCKET Apartment - House Cleaning Service
Tell A Friend Program*
You will receive $15off your next service for every friend you tell. So tell a friend to tell a friend how to experience more free time in their life!
*Initial Cleaning Service must be purchased.
Not Enough Time in Your Day? MOP-n-BUCKET Cleaning Service is just a TEXT Away! 604 * 724 * 4130